About the Clara City Area Community Foundation





The CLARA CITY AREA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION began in May, 2016. The board currently consists of nine volunteer members. Our goal is to solicit funds and award grants that enrich our community. 

Gifts of all sizes are appreciated and help us empower the people, businesses and organizations in and around the Clara City area. We grant annually and present the chosen recipients at the Clara City Prairie Fest celebration in the park.

To date we have granted up to $15,000 back into our community.


The simplest method of giving is to write a personal check to the Clara City Area Community Foundation, or visit www.swifoundation.org/donate to give online with a credit card. 


PO Box 175

Clara City, MN  56222


CCACF is organized as an affiliate of the Southwest Initiative Foundation. As our partner, they provide administrative support along with the 501(c)(3) public charity infrastructure necessary for your gifts to receive the highest possible charitable tax deduction.